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Money Coaching

If you want to resolve your money problems once and for all and get out of debt; money coaching is the right thing for you. Becoming more mindful about your money will mean that you discover what you truly need. Once those deep needs are met, you will find that your self-sabotaging behaviour just melts away. That doesn’t mean that you’ll get “permission” to spend whatever you want and figure out how to pay for it all somehow. It means you’ll find out how to meet your needs without damaging yourself financially. Money coaching can be adapted to fit your life, your relationship status, and income.

To find out more about how Relating to Money can help you with your finances, please contact us today.

I’m Smart In Other Areas Of My Life. Why Is My Money A Mess?

If you've ever looked back on the debt you've accumulated, or the time you didn't ask for a raise, or the way you get back into debt as soon as you're debt-free, and thought "What was I thinking?!" then you’ve come to the right place. Don't worry. I'm not talking about making you live the kind of lifestyle where buying coffee at a cafe is a punishable offense. 

I'm talking about:

• Figuring out the emotions and beliefs behind your self-sabotaging behaviours with money 
• Replacing self-sabotaging behaviours with life-enhancing alternatives
• Turning money from a source of worry into a resource that will enable you to care for yourself and your loved ones 
• Getting to a place where you feel calm, centred and energised around your money 

For pricing and packages on money coaching packages for individuals, click here. If you would both like to find out more about whether money coaching, contact me. We’ll talk for 30 minutes and explore if we’re a good fit to work together.

We Keep Fighting Over Money!

When you have disagreements with your partner about money, it casts a shadow over your entire relationship. It’s not only frustrating, it can also push your buttons about security, highlight your fear of becoming a couple who fights about money all the time, or even lead to feelings of envy as they seem to get exactly what they want without a care for the consequences. It’s not a trivial matter. Money is a common reason for couples to argue, and a main contributor to relationship break-ups. Wouldn’t you like to feel that you and your partner are both on the same page? To both be excited about your plans for the future? To feel that both of you are having your deepest needs (and some of your wants) taken care of? Money coaching is the ideal answer. 

As a couple, you: 

  • Work together to set up a spending plan that reflects both the way your life is now, and the way you want it to 
  • Get the time and framework to figure out what’s important for both of you with money –earning, spending and saving 
  • Are able to drop the roles you may have taken on around money in your relationship e.g. “The Worrier”, “The Earner”, “The YOLO Spender”, “The Planner” “The Sensible One”
  • Are able to both take responsibility for your money in a way that works for your relationship – earning, spending and saving 
  • Are able to take steps to make your money bring you the life you dream of, rather than the thing that causes stress and fights in your relationship 

For pricing and packages on money coaching packages for couples, click here. If you would both like to work in a blame-free environment on getting your money right, then I can help. 

Contact me. We’ll talk for 30 minutes and explore if us working together is right for both of you. 

Money Matters in Business Too

I’m almost certain that you began your businesses out of a desire to make a difference doing what you love. We all dream of being paid to do what we love but the road to success is often paved with pitfalls. Does it seem like the business just drains your time and energy, and gives you very little money in return? Money coaching can help you get the financial side of the business to a point where you can achieve your goal of doing what you love, and make money doing it.

The Money Minder process for small businesses is very similar to the process for individuals. We begin by considering your needs, wants, and future goals. We then assess every detail of your current or proposed business plan to estimate the real running costs. While this can be a confronting reality, it is far better to be prepared for your financial forecast because understanding the constraints and potential of your incomings and outgoings means you are less likely to end up deep in debt. Money coaching can help you identify what’s really important, in both your business and your personal life, so that you achieve satisfaction in both

For pricing and packages on money coaching packages for individuals in business, click here. If you like the sound of this process for you and your business, contact me. We’ll talk for 30 minutes and figure out if this is the right step for you.

Sarah changed the way I thought about money. When I first met her I was in debt and could see no way out, despite being so strict on myself. I couldn't imagine that just a year later - and with no income change - I would have savings and be hunting for my first home. I've gone from being a victim of my circumstances to being genuinely empowered financially. I'm over penny-pinching budget tactics. Sarah's approach deals with the greater strategy, holistically. There's no judgement over avocado toast.
Client Testimonial
In the several months I have been working with Sarah McMurray I have gone from despairing about my financial future and what might become of me, to taking my power over my money and therefore my whole life. My deepest gratitude to Sarah for her wise guidance.
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